Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spinning Tales

The very last element in my program is a sit spin. I have rarely actually hit it at the end of my program. My first competition was one of the only times I had ever successfully executed it up to that point. In other run throughs, it went less well, as documented here, for example. Consequently, the actual end of my program is under-rehearsed, because it's not unusual for me to end up in a butt spin. Then I dizzily pull myself to my feet and strike a pose.

The original choreography was to finish the sit spin, then do a few back cross strokes and end in a back snowplow with dramatic arms. Two things have happened recently. I've actually managed to do a real sit spin during program run-throughs and the spins themselves are lasting much longer than they used to. A friend saw me do the original choreography the other day and she thought the cross strokes were me falling over after the spin. Then, in a run-through for Coach, I finished the spin with the end of the music, skipped the cross strokes and struck a pose. "I finished late," I told him. "No, you finished right on time," he replied. I decided at that point to cut the cross strokes.

So in a run-through for Coach today, I made a point of holding the spin so that I could end it right on the music. But this time, I held the spin even longer and rushed the ending of the spin to finish on the music. I wasn't used to standing up so quickly from the spin and after the pose, I fell over. "What happened? Why did you lose your balance in the pose?" he asked me.

"I spun too long."

"There is no such thing."

I tried to protest. "No. You cannot spin too long. There is no such thing." I'm going to accept the spirit of the correction rather than the letter of it. I don't think I should keep spinning long after the music ends (ha! as if it were possible!), but I guess I won't rush it either.

Practices of the end of my program are going much better. Here's the salchow through the end, without music.

In other news, my lutz has gotten worse. But more on that another time.


  1. Oh the video says it's private! I feel your pain with sit coach tells me its better to drop down and fall on the ice than to only get halfway down. Consequently, I have many bum bruises.

    1. Oh, thanks so much for letting me know about the video! I uploaded a new version of it to get rid of the background noise and I forgot to update the security settings of the new video. It should be viewable now!

      My sit spin has gotten more consistent and faster, but now I want it lower! Though right now I'm working on standing up with my foot crossed. Then I'll get to lower. And toe pointed and, and and.. there's always something!

    2. I love your right arm position after the salchow! Looks really sharp...I may have to steal that! I'm a bit envious of skaters with pretty and refined arms - I really am the Queen of the Crashing Helicopter look. Sit spin looks great too, good speed - I'd like to think I'm getting lower too - just had a cortisone shot in my ankle this morning so off skating for five days but hopefully it will work its magic and I'll be able to bend better and get lower now pain-free.

  2. You've made huge improvements on your sit spin! It looks great! Have you tried doing shoot-the-duck exercises to help you get lower? Try crunching your laces more (pushing your foot forward into the laces/tongue of your skate) as you bend your knee - this should also help you sit down farther.

  3. Your sit spin looks so fast and stable! I've stumbled out of my ending pose after a spin a couple of times so IKWYM. Especially when I'm running out of music and try to get out of the spin and into the ending pose extra-fast.
