Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ice Traveler

When I was learning the salchow jump, I scoured youtube for videos to try to understand how on earth I was supposed to take off from a back inside edge. In the process, I found a video of a girl doing a beautiful salchow (and double salchow) that really captured my interest. Not only was the jump breathtaking, but I couldn't believe how gorgeous the rink was where the clip was filmed. I wanted to know where it was, I wanted to know why more rinks weren't as pretty and I wanted to skate there some day. Through some clever sleuthing, I discovered the whereabouts of the rink and I was recently able to skate there!

I was so giddy when I arrived at the rink! I could hardly contain my excitement! I even took a picture of the ice while my freestyle payment was processing! The funny part was that to everyone else, it was just business as usual. I did ask the front desk attendant if there were any particular rules I should be aware of. She told me not to run over the old people. (It was an adult only session).

I had a nice long skate. Moves were not so great, and I had to be careful not to get run down by one phenomenal dance team. Jumps were pretty good. One lady clapped her hands a little at one of my lutzes, which was very kind, but it was nearly flutzed (it was on a flat). Spins also okay. I was the youngest person on the ice, and my skills probably fell near the bottom of the pack. It was pretty cool to see so many other adults passionate about skating, who had obviously been at it for some time, given the levels they had reached. One skater I talked to is aiming for Nationals next year, and I hope I get to see her there!

I had to take some video to capture the event. Loop-loop is getting much more consistent and I got two nice ones on video, so here it is for your viewing pleasure. Also, keep an eye out for my skate gear twin. I guess I got the dress code right!


  1. The loop-loop combo is looking good! I want to skate at that rink someday too. =)

  2. You have a beautiful loop! Mine is about half the height :(
