Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Accomplishments, 2013 Hopes

It's hard not to look back and look forward at New Years. And of course, this year's skating is one thing I've reflected on quite a bit in my pondering. Here's a recap.

  • A few days before New Years last year, I got the good news from my orthopedist that my broken ankle was finally healing.
  • In January of 2012, I began physical therapy.
  • On April 1st, I was allowed to return to the ice.  (I actually had my first skate on March 31st--I know, I'm a rebel.) I started skating once a week, starting with stroking, crossovers, swing rolls, mohawks, 3 turns and a little bit of ice dance.
  • In May, I resumed lessons with my coach, working on pre-bronze moves, which I had been about to test when I got injured.
  • In July, I switched to working on ice dance with a male coach, so that he could also partner me. My primary coach challenged me to pick up bronze moves for the August test session.
  • In August, I tested and passed pre-bronze moves, bronze moves, and all three preliminary dances. I also started jumping again.
  • In September, I started a spins class, because I decided I needed a new perspective on this element that's been particularly tough for me.
  • In November, I actually began to spin.
  • In December, I passed my pre-bronze free skate and I performed with the spins class in a rink holiday recital.

Somewhere, between August and December, I also started my sit spin, loop, flip and lutz, as well as silver moves. I put together a video summary of some of my best examples caught on tape this year and have included it at the bottom of this post.

As for 2013, I have some official goals, and some secret hopes. My official goals are more related to tests and competitions. I've gone over these with my coach(es):

  • Skate in two local competitions (March and September) and give a good showing
  • Test silver moves and pre-bronze dances in April (and pass!)
  • Test bronze free skate, probably in the October - December time frame (and pass!)
And my hopes are element goals I have, things which I can't resolve to do, but can aim to work on.
  • Start axel and double salchow (and land them--haha! But this is my number one hope.)
  • 15 revolution scratch spin (double my current revs. I have no clue if that's realistic.)
  • Bronze dances
  • improve back spin and sit spin
  • 3 revolutions on camel spin and maybe layback spin
  • CCW outside spreadeagle

That ought to keep my busy. Here's to happy and healthy skating in 2013!


  1. Cool review! Your jumps look really good. I wish my spins would improve a little. Scratch spins scare the heck out of me, I don't want to spin any faster! 15 revs sounds very dizzy lol
    Happy and safe skating for 2013!

  2. Thanks, Janie! It wasn't until I read your comment that I realized why I've been having more problems with dizziness lately. I'm actually spinning around a lot more per spin attempt, which equals increased dizziness!

    Spins coach gave me a few pointers yesterday that helped me center my spins a bit more and that helped with the dizziness.
